Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Live up to the words we have spoken.

For awhile now I something has been on my mind and I didn't really know how to put into words until I heard a song by We Came As Romans called what I wished i never had. It is not my place to judge others so I will judge myself. I was looking at all the blogs I have written and all the twitters facebooks ect. and I started asking myself am I living up to the words I have written or have spoken? Am I leading a life that I am proud of.  For the most part I try my best but then it hit me. I'm not perfect nor am I  better than anyone else. All I have are my attitude and my actions and those if I use them right can change lives. But the key phrase here is Not Perfect. I am learning that its okay to make mistakes and that mistakes are what makes me grow. The next time you think your not good enough or not perfect. look at yourself and tell yourself that its okay. Because in the end if you look at yourself and say im am trying my best and what I preach is how I act then you are on the right track. I am not perfect and that is 100 percent okay. 

We Came As Romans New album out next week the 13th go get it
