Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Have A Little Faith.

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said you are awesome? When was the last time you siad that YOU are capable of anything your set your mind to? In todays world having a little faith in yourself is becoming more uncommon than ever. This is a blog coming from the heart. Sometimes its hard to say to yourself that your are great just for being you. with all the negativity around us even the strongest of people are breaking down to there core. But what if we became the generation that changed that? What if we are the generation who says that being confident in ourselves is the new black. Lets take the steps for not only ourselves but everyone around to be confident and to have a little faith in ourselves. Things will only get harder from here but I believe we can set the stage for a confident PASSIONATE generation. You are awesome for being you. Who you are is beautiful, do not forget that.

"Have a little faith in me."


Saturday, January 7, 2012

All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage.

In our early lives we are faced with extreme challenges. Family, relationships, jobs, Being independent.
What I have found especially in todays day in age is that people are afraid to take risks. To take a chance and put themselves on the line. Now yes there will be and always  be reasons  why we shouldn't. Why we shouldn't ask the pretty girl/guy out. Why we shouldn't confront our boss and ask for the raise. To stand up for what you really want for yourself. To take an adventure that could change your life for the better.

Well after seeing the remarkable movie We Bought A Zoo.  A very valuable lesson is learned. Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and something amazing will come of it. Taking risks is not something we are all good at and it is not something we are born with. It is something we all have to do to to make our mark on this planet!  To really live our lives. 20 seconds is all you need.

Being scared is apart of life. Standing up for yourself and taking risks is a way to beat those fears.
