Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Its Been Awhile...

It has been awhile since I have blogged or updated.

There is no certain place to begin. I have been on a journey a new journey that was not one that I ever expected nor thought that I was ready for. I have taken steps in a new direction a better direction a direction that some people who know me say a more mature direction. I have to say I agree with them. I am officially at Vanguard university studying business I will have my Bachelors By may 2013 I am very proud this. I have a new job That I absolutely love it is a great staff and a great environment.  I have fully committed to my church and pouring into the students lives that come into it. I have an amazing mentor Adam Knowles  who has stuck by me through thick and thin.

I have started something with one of my brothers Brandon potter that everyone will be revealed to all in the next week. and last but not least  all I have found someone who has stepped up and truly taken on the brutal task of  being my significant other. She is truly a blessing and is someone who makes me very happy. Not to mention she is beautiful inside and out.

Life is a roller coaster and what I am learning is that the ups and downs come not at your time but when you least expect them. For those of you going through tough times I will be the first but certainly not the last to say that things will get better through hard work and determination and an attitude that is going for your goals and going for what you desire. The odds will change.

Some movies I recommend everyone check out

In Time

Real Steel

Some Music

I see stars


One Direction

Its Now or Never.
