Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Its Been Awhile...

It has been awhile since I have blogged or updated.

There is no certain place to begin. I have been on a journey a new journey that was not one that I ever expected nor thought that I was ready for. I have taken steps in a new direction a better direction a direction that some people who know me say a more mature direction. I have to say I agree with them. I am officially at Vanguard university studying business I will have my Bachelors By may 2013 I am very proud this. I have a new job That I absolutely love it is a great staff and a great environment.  I have fully committed to my church and pouring into the students lives that come into it. I have an amazing mentor Adam Knowles  who has stuck by me through thick and thin.

I have started something with one of my brothers Brandon potter that everyone will be revealed to all in the next week. and last but not least  all I have found someone who has stepped up and truly taken on the brutal task of  being my significant other. She is truly a blessing and is someone who makes me very happy. Not to mention she is beautiful inside and out.

Life is a roller coaster and what I am learning is that the ups and downs come not at your time but when you least expect them. For those of you going through tough times I will be the first but certainly not the last to say that things will get better through hard work and determination and an attitude that is going for your goals and going for what you desire. The odds will change.

Some movies I recommend everyone check out

In Time

Real Steel

Some Music

I see stars


One Direction

Its Now or Never.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Have A Little Faith.

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said you are awesome? When was the last time you siad that YOU are capable of anything your set your mind to? In todays world having a little faith in yourself is becoming more uncommon than ever. This is a blog coming from the heart. Sometimes its hard to say to yourself that your are great just for being you. with all the negativity around us even the strongest of people are breaking down to there core. But what if we became the generation that changed that? What if we are the generation who says that being confident in ourselves is the new black. Lets take the steps for not only ourselves but everyone around to be confident and to have a little faith in ourselves. Things will only get harder from here but I believe we can set the stage for a confident PASSIONATE generation. You are awesome for being you. Who you are is beautiful, do not forget that.

"Have a little faith in me."


Saturday, January 7, 2012

All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage.

In our early lives we are faced with extreme challenges. Family, relationships, jobs, Being independent.
What I have found especially in todays day in age is that people are afraid to take risks. To take a chance and put themselves on the line. Now yes there will be and always  be reasons  why we shouldn't. Why we shouldn't ask the pretty girl/guy out. Why we shouldn't confront our boss and ask for the raise. To stand up for what you really want for yourself. To take an adventure that could change your life for the better.

Well after seeing the remarkable movie We Bought A Zoo.  A very valuable lesson is learned. Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and something amazing will come of it. Taking risks is not something we are all good at and it is not something we are born with. It is something we all have to do to to make our mark on this planet!  To really live our lives. 20 seconds is all you need.

Being scared is apart of life. Standing up for yourself and taking risks is a way to beat those fears.


Friday, December 30, 2011

My Top Albums of 2011

These Albums brought a little cheer to my year. Give them a shot I guarantee you will love them as much as I do. Cheers to a great year of music for 2012!

 Big Time Rush- Elevate
 Maroon 5- Hands All Over

Parachute-The Way It Was
 The Cab-Symphony soldier

 Sleeping with Sirens- Let's Cheer To This

 Of Mice and Men- The Flood

We Came As Romans- Understanding What We Have Grown To Be

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New year new you? or better you?

As the new year approaches the saying that usually comes to mind is New Year New Me. When I look at the statement I ask myself do I really need a NEW  me or a BETTER me. We as people are all unique and different and there is no reason to change that but is there room to grow? Absolutely! So this new year we all should focus on bettering ourselves not starting over! Write your goals down make a plan and take some action. Let this be your year to shine and to do all the things you have only ever talked about doing!

"Its now or never"


Saturday, December 17, 2011

You Are Not Alone.

One of the hardest things we as humans go through is struggles with trust. Do we open our hearts to everyone assuming they wont hurt  it? Do we keep ourselves hidden to the point where if anyone even did try to find us it would be a waste of time? Trust is a new concept to me. as it probably is to a lot of us. see I always thought that trusting people was easy until I had my trust broken in the worstt way. But.....
There was two ways i could take it.

1. Hide away from the world. Make everyone resent me because of how unattractive i am to be around and never tell anyone anything. Hide in my own world to the point where i dont even know whats going on anymore.

2.  Trust in the person I am. Know that there is love all around me. Take a step back and look at the damage that has been caused and see how to make a positive out of it. Let myself trust again.

My situation is no better or worse than anyone else's. But I know I am not the only one going through problems. We all are and I just want everyone who has taken a second to read this that you are loved it is okay to lower your wall and let people in. It is not easy in any matter. But nothing in life is worth it unless you take a risk for it.

Take a chance just like I am everyday. We can do this together. You are not Alone.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Standing when you have fallen.

                  Today something happened that hasn't really happened before. Well it has but not like this. Today i was told that I was not trusted that I wasn't good enough for a specific task. Now yes this has happened before but not like this. when you are torn down to the bone and you get told your not good enough thats when the real pain, anger, sadness kick in. and for me thats what it did. Now there was two ways i could have handled this.

1. Blamed the person who told me wrong and say that it was his or her fault and not mine I know im good enough Blah Blah

2. Get really depressed about it and mope and maybe try and bounce back but probably not.

I think a lot of of us look at when someone tears us down. Do we blame them or do we blame ourselves. But what if instead of doing ether  of those. we just took it and said im going to prove them wrong and smiled. we control ourselves what we do that is the one for sure thing we can count on. If we lived by others opinions of us.no one would ever succeed in life. There will always be people to tell you cant or your not good enough to do something. But if you take a deep breath smile and say I am worth it and I will make them see i can do it. There Will be no stoping you

Stand up on your own feet
