Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Invisible Children Update

So I suppose it is about that time where I tell the world about me and  invisible children. I have NOT been accepted to be a roadie for fall 2011. MY story although does not start with rejection instead its starts with a new outlook on life. A couple of weeks ago I started thinking about me leaving for 5 months to fight for kids who can not fight for themselves. But then I was thinking about all the things that I would be leaving at home behind. Family, school, opportunities, to help people here and I started weighing  the options. Every time I did this I realized I was meant to be at home. Now this was already my choice before I knew if I had been accepted or not. I started putting new things in perspective instead of just my wants. I know now I am meant to be at home and make things right and I will. I also found I can make a huge difference  right here from home we all can in fact. The moral of this story is when things don't seem to workout that there is another plan for you. Even when what you want seems so right sometimes its not and the things you never thought were meant for you are truly for you. Never loose hope and always keep growing. And if your thinking that this is the end for me helping people this is only the beginning. I will not stop until i have helped everyone I possibly can!

"We need to fix ourselves and make right all our mistakes. It's all we can do, it's all I can do so I ask will you?"- We Came AS Romans


1 comment:

  1. Even though u didn't get the job at invisible children, it was meant to be. U already have changed ppls lives in the past. Mine including. They are dumbstruck for not picking a guy like u. But life moves on and better opportunitys are bound to come :) #nevergiveup
