Friday, June 24, 2011


When we look at our lives we look at the positives and the negatives. what we want and what we don't want. When we look at things we want like goals we want to achieve or places we want to go are we ever to impatient to wait for them which causes us to make bad choices?  I use the metaphor clouds for this reason on a stormy day all we see are clouds no sun no brightness no spark to light up our days. But as we wait as we learn as we grow the clouds disappear and what we wanted was right there waiting for us. When you wait and let yourself grow the things you wanted  most come with time. The next time you want  something so bad you can't stand it. Be patient relax, take the steps you know you  have to take and your bright horizon will come. Clouds will come and go but a sunshine could last a lifetime.

"Tonight, when i look into the sky i know this is why i am alive"


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