Friday, June 17, 2011


For the past couple of days I have been sick and it has put me in the most critical mood I have ever been in. By this I mean I was looking at life and feeling kinda good and kinda bad. I was thinking about my town now and how I will be moving in the next few weeks, I thought of all the positives things that will come of this move. New places, new people, new life. I was also thinking about people friends and how some I used to be close with. I got upset I got sad. but then I realized that no matter what I do no matter how hard I try to stop things from happening. Things will, are, going to CHANGE. Nobody can stop it some changes are going to be for the better some will be for the worse but its how you react to them that counts. I know I am going to CHANGE this world and the sooner I understand what I need to do the sooner I will get to my destination. I encourage all to allow CHANGE to happen and to grow with it because it is going to happen wether you like it or not. Be positive about it and not only will good things come but growth will come as well.

The key to change... is to let go of fear.


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