Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stay True Stay You

When we look in the mirror we see ourselves but is that all we see? In today's world we are constantly pressured by family friends the media to be the person they all see they want us to be. Especially for kids, We look who has the most money who has the best clothes or who has the best athletic talent want to be just like them so we change us. We take away what was so special about us to begin with, and some people travel so far down that road that they never come back.The person they were the person they were, born to be gets lost.  The people who sand up tall and say they are going to be themselves regardless of what anyone or anything says those are the people who accomplish there goals and achieve what they want. They don't give in.  Stay true to you no matter what the situation your in never loose sight of you are and what you really value. It's more important than you will ever know. Stay True Stay You.


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