Sunday, May 29, 2011



I was having one of those conversations with a very close friend that really makes you think. We were talking about our past and how we used to hang out with really big artists before they became big. or how we used to go to las vegas and just mess up everything up. All the girls we used to date and just how happy we were. Now years later here we are in the real world. Yes we have an amazing past, but what about our future? What I realized is that I can use those amazing memories I have of the past to influence my future to make even more memories with him and all the people all I love. Your past does not define you. It guides you in the right direction if you learn form it. The memories I have with my dear friend Gus I will never forget all the good the bad and the ugly. I also know that we will use our memories and our past to guide our futures into the best possible outcomes we can. I hope that we can all realize that those good memories will stay with us forever and all the mistakes we made will put us on a better path for the future. 

We all have a past. We all have a future. Lets learn from the past and keep those special memories and look forward to the amazing future ahead! We can all do it!! 


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Never Give Up

Oh so often we as humans try to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We think everything bad happens to us because of something we did. Its our fault. But no matter what happens its all on how you take it in. you don't change and lose that spark that was you to begin with. Wether it be school or relationships or work you have to stay strong. stay true to you because once you change to the demands of what everyone else wants that is when you truly loose the spark that is you. Never give up who you are even when the world seems to be throwing everything on you that is when you are challenged most to be you and stay true. And when you finally realize that not every bad thing  isn't your fault and stay true to you. you have truly won the battle.


Friday, May 20, 2011


We all have goals. long term endeavors that we start, but how many of us actually finish those goals? A personal story something that I have always struggled with is my body but about four months ago I took the challenge to change that and it is going quite well. Have there been hard times? of course. But that doesn't mean I can give up. When you start the road in front of you never give up. Some steps to take to ensure success and to help you never give up on your goals!

-Have a positive attitude
-Get a Success coach
-Right all your goals down
-Stay on the path

When we see the road in front of us. Instead of walking down it, sprint down it make, it yours. The result is so much more rewarding when you put your full heart into it and never give up!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Words are more powerful than any of us could ever imagine. Peoples days, lives change with words. During the day are we using encouraging words or words to help? DO we bring people up when they need it? A friend of mine today opened up to me like no other and words were all it took for me to understand that they were in heartache. People struggle all the time but don't ever voice there problems. In the end it leads to destruction. I encourage everyone to open your hearts, and minds and let your words out wether they be positive quotes or telling your friend you had a tough day and need a hug. Whatever it may be use your words use them for the better, for change.  To help someone. Lets change this world not only though our actions, but words as well!


Monday, May 9, 2011

What do I want?

When we wake up in the morning do we wake up knowing that the day is going to be filled with things we want to do? or things we have to do? or things we are being forced to do? When we go to our jobs is it the job we really want to be doing? or is it the job we think we have to do? Now  a lot of us would answer we need the money so we have to work the job we don't like. But what steps are we taking to get to the job we really want. These questions can be applied in every part of our lives. School, relationships, family all of it. I guess the moral of this blog is that you only get one life. One chino to leave your mark. Stand up for what you want and if it takes some steps getting there, take them. Don't be afraid to risk it all because the result is worth the risk.

" One life. One Chance. Live it all the way."


Friday, May 6, 2011

Invisible Children

They say when you can't get something off your heart or mind you have to run with it. You have to embrace it and use it for a greater good. Well as of late my cause has been Invisible Children. It started when one man decided to take some time off from college and go to Africa with a couple friends and when he saw what was going on down, a new  love and a new passion was struck. To help save the kids who were being abducted and forced to be child soldiers under the hand of a man named Joseph Kony. From then on out came Invisible Children. A cause to help kids in Africa. A cause to give hope to those who have none. A cause that would bring light to a very dark place. My goal is to be apart of this amazing organization as a roadie I want to make an even huger difference then I already am now. Go for your goals and for your dreams' and we can all make a difference. What I gave you was a very short part of the story. Learn more here and lets change africa!!!!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Role Model: Bethany Hamilton

We are all on the path to greatness but to get there one must be motivated, dedicated, but most of all inspired. There are many ways to get inspired, but I like most of us look up to someone. I look up to Bethany Hamilton, after seeing her film Soul Surfer I was touched emotionally like I had never been before she has one arm and instead of sitting around crying about she trusted god and knew that there was a plan and trust me there was a plan. She has now affected millions of people to reach for the stars and not let anything hold you back she inspired numerous kids who have also lost a limb in one way or another and she has also inspired me to go for my dreams of helping the planet because of bethany and a lot of praying I have started a journey with invisible children that i hope becomes a huge reality for me. Bethany with one arm surfs today.

we all have greatness deep down inside of us and for me role models help me bring it out who or what inspires you?

"I dont need easy. I just need possible"
