Friday, May 6, 2011

Invisible Children

They say when you can't get something off your heart or mind you have to run with it. You have to embrace it and use it for a greater good. Well as of late my cause has been Invisible Children. It started when one man decided to take some time off from college and go to Africa with a couple friends and when he saw what was going on down, a new  love and a new passion was struck. To help save the kids who were being abducted and forced to be child soldiers under the hand of a man named Joseph Kony. From then on out came Invisible Children. A cause to help kids in Africa. A cause to give hope to those who have none. A cause that would bring light to a very dark place. My goal is to be apart of this amazing organization as a roadie I want to make an even huger difference then I already am now. Go for your goals and for your dreams' and we can all make a difference. What I gave you was a very short part of the story. Learn more here and lets change africa!!!!


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