Monday, May 9, 2011

What do I want?

When we wake up in the morning do we wake up knowing that the day is going to be filled with things we want to do? or things we have to do? or things we are being forced to do? When we go to our jobs is it the job we really want to be doing? or is it the job we think we have to do? Now  a lot of us would answer we need the money so we have to work the job we don't like. But what steps are we taking to get to the job we really want. These questions can be applied in every part of our lives. School, relationships, family all of it. I guess the moral of this blog is that you only get one life. One chino to leave your mark. Stand up for what you want and if it takes some steps getting there, take them. Don't be afraid to risk it all because the result is worth the risk.

" One life. One Chance. Live it all the way."


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